Apple iPad Mini 1st Geração


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About Apple iPad mini (1st Generation)
eBay has provided more information about this product above and is not affiliated with or endorsed by Apple.

Price Trends

Apple iPad mini (1st Generation) - Price Used

New Price*
Used Price*
from $58 to $84
Apple iPad mini (1st Generation) Price Trend Chart Large
*The average sold price is calculated based on "Buy It Now" items sold within the 90 day period described above (excluding shipping and handling). Each interval represents a 15 day period. There is no guarantee that items will always be listed at a price within the provided range.
Compare Similar Models
Apple iPad Mini Tablet / eReader
Apple iPad Mini
7.9 inches
Screen Resolution
Operating System
iOS 6, upgradeable to 9.3.5
Camera (Rear/Front)
5/1.2 MP
7.87 x 5.3 x 0.28 inches
10.86/11.01 oz
16/32/64 GB, 512 MB RAM
Dual-core 1.0 GHz
Network Connectivity
Wi-Fi only/LTE
Battery Capacity
Up to 10 hours (4490 mAh)