Body Glove Case/Capa para iPhone 4

Get a Close Fit With Body Glove Cases and Covers for the iPhone 4

Body Glove cases and covers for iPhone 4 phones come in a variety of different materials and looks. Whether your taste is utilitarian, glam, or something in between, the company makes mobile phone accessories with features that cater to your specific needs. There are a variety of case types and silhouettes to choose from for your iPhone.

What kinds of designs and colors are available?

Body Glove cases are available in a variety of different designs, including glossy, jeweled, matte, metallic, patterned, pictorial, plain, and transparent. Glossy, jeweled, and metallic cases give off some shine in different textures. Jeweled cases often involve rhinestones of different types, while glossy and metallic cases are smooth. Matte cases have no shine. Patterned and pictorial cases showcase images and prints; patterns feature repeating images, while pictorial designs do not. Plain cases are usually a single color, and transparent cases allow you to see through it to the back of your iPhone. Color choices include:

  • Black
  • Blue
  • Clear
  • Multi-color
  • Pink
  • Purple
  • Red
  • White
What types of Body Glove iPhone cases exist?

Cases for iPhones come in a variety of styles, including housing cases, fitted skins, pouches, and sleeves. Housing cases wrap around the entire phone, both front and back. Some housing styles have two layers, while others have three. The extra, optional layer is made from gel or rubber and sits behind the phone to provide shock absorption. Housing cases commonly screw or snap into place. Fitted skins are made from silicone or rubber and sit close to the device. They are designed to flex and move as needed. Pouch cases feature an open sleeve that allow you to slide the phone in and out when you need to use it.

What are the feature options for Body Glove cases?

Body Glove produces a variety of case designs with a range of features, including the following:

  • External photo lenses: These are designed to enhance picture taking abilities, whether you want to snap a selfie with a fish-eye effect or a wide-angle picture of a landscape.
  • Kickstands: These pop away from the back of the phone case to support the device as it stands upright on its own.
  • Lightweight materials: Many cases will use lightweight types of materials to keep the phone as functional as possible.
  • Projectors: This feature allows images to be transferred to a nearby surface.
  • Screen protectors: This helps prevent scratches or damage to the front of the phone.
  • Shock proofing: This is typically a layer of gel inside the case to absorb extra impact.
  • Waterproofing: This feature is most common among housing cases due to the flaps and screws that limit moisture from getting in through ports and jacks.
  • Clips: These attach to the back of the phone to help adhere it to clothing items or bags for extra security.