Chave de carro e caminhão Blanks para Nissan

Nissan Key Blanks

It is a good idea to make a few extra keys for your Nissan in case you happen to misplace the original key. Key blanks are easy to find, but you need to make sure to purchase a Nissan key blank so that your key will work in your vehicle’s ignition and locks.

What is a key blank?

A key blank is basically a key that has not been cut. It is shaped just like the key to your Nissan, but the metal has not been shaped to fit into your vehicle yet. Once the blank has been cut, you can attach the key to your keychain and simply use it the same way you would use any other key.

Are there colored key blanks?

Yes, colored key blanks exist and are a great way to differentiate one key from another. These colored blanks are decorative, and they create a unique look that helps you know your keychain when you see it.

Does a locksmith need to cut a key blank?

Since these blanks are designed to operate a Nissan, you will most likely need to go to a locksmith that specializes in making keys for automobiles. This is because most of the original copies that are designed for Nissan models also have a transponder chip in the key that corresponds to the vehicle. If you make a duplicate for your Nissan, you will need to make sure that all of the electronic equipment in the car is programmed to the transponder.

Can you get an uncut key fob for a Nissan?

Many of the newer vehicles on the market operate using a fob instead of a traditional ignition starter. Having a fob cut that is able to unlock your doors, open your trunk, and set the alarm on your vehicle is possible, but it will require the assistance of a professional who is experienced with automotive fobs, specifically those that are designed to work with a Nissan. In many cases, you will need to make a visit to your dealership to make sure that the key blank with the fob is programmed properly for your vehicle.

What features can you find on a Nissan key fob?

A Nissan key fob can have varying features, so when you choose a key blank, make sure that you choose one with the features that you need. Also, make sure to get the fob programmed properly so that all of the features work. Some of the most common key fob features that you may want to consider for your Nissan key blank are the following:

  • A button to open the trunk.
  • The ability to sound the alarm system.
  • Hidden features, such as the ability to roll the windows up and down.