Hallicrafters Am Receptores para faixa de Radioamador para estação de base


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Choosing an AM Base Radio Receivers

In the case of vintage radios, people are finding that the hardware is becoming increasingly rare and valuable. Hallicrafters radios have become a highly sought-after radio brand in the online market and at specialized retailers.

Can This Receiver Pick Up FM Signals?

  • The receivers that specify the ability to pick up FM signals are able to do so.
  • However, AM base shortwave receivers are primarily made to be able to pick up AM signals.

What Are Shortwave Frequencies?

  • Shortwave refers to the frequency that's being put out.
  • Shortwave bounces off of the earth and travels relatively low to the ground.

When Was This Model Originally Released?

  • Hallicrafters was popular in the 1930s so while the release date will vary between specific models, users can expect that their radio was created around then.
  • The company was involved in many government contracts during that time, so the WWII-era radios are artifacts among collectors and history buffs around the world.
  • The company was largely responsible for producing shortwave receivers during WWII, and pioneered new creations in receiver design during that time so that the U.S. troops could have top-of-the-line gear.

What Are the Frequency Bands On This Device?

  • The frequency bands on the device can vary but generally they have SSB/CW, HF.
  • They are made to pick up AM, HAM, and CW shortwave frequencies, but the exact sale will specify whether or not the device is in working condition.

Does This Radio Have A Built-In Speaker?

  • Most devices will have a built-in speaker.

What Is Ham Radio?

  • Ham is known as an radio signal used to transmit non-commercial radio waves.
  • The signals were used to communicate between receivers as well as being used for emergency communication from one receiver to another.

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