Key Blanks for Volkswagen Beetle

Volkswagen Beetle Key Blanks

Having keys to your Volkswagen Beetle is vital. You may need key blanks for a replacement, for a spare, or for another reason. Knowing about your options allows you to get the right parts.

What is a key blank?

A key blank is a key that has not yet been cut to meet the specifics of an ignition cylinder. When you buy a blank, the blade has no marks on it. This means that it will need to be cut to fit your car before it can be used. Until it is cut, it could be used for any number of vehicles, though it cannot fit into anything until being cut. Some key blanks also have transponders to provide keyless entry into the Volkswagen Beetle. If yours has a transponder, it will need to be programmed to your vehicle before it is used.

How are blanks cut?

A blank will need to be cut before it can be used in the door or in the ignition. The key is cut using a special machine that grinds teeth into the metal. A preexisting key is often used as a template. If you dont have a key, then it might be necessary to remove the ignition cylinder or even order a new ignition cylinder. Often, a locksmith or a Volkswagen dealer will have the necessary equipment to cut a key blank for you.

What features can VW keys have?

VW keys vary in terms of features. Newer models have more features than older models, giving you something to consider when you shop for key blanks, but some possible features VW keys can have are listed here:

  • Engraved Volkswagen logo in bow
  • Transponder chip in key
  • Keyless entry fob
  • Retractable design
What are OEM keys?

Volkswagen genuine parts are often identified as OEM. This allows you to buy keys that are from a manufacturer that specializes in VW parts. It is the same key (and fob) that is what comes from the factory. Another option you might see is aftermarket, which includes all of the other manufacturers that are out there. Regardless of manufacturer, you can find blanks that can be cut to fit the ignition of your Beetle.

How do you buy key blanks?

There are a few considerations to review before you buy key blanks for your Volkswagen Beetle. Consider the following points to help you decide:

  • Specs: You should consider the model year and trim level to get the right key.
  • OEM vs aftermarket: You can choose if you want a genuine Volkswagen part or an aftermarket one.
  • Set: You can buy an ignition cylinder plus a key blank if needed.