Kits de tricô

Knitting Kits for Every Knitter

If you’re an experienced knitter, you may think that knitting kits are just for beginners. While a beginner's knitting kit has obvious advantages for the new knitter, there are times when a more advanced kit is the right choice for the experienced needleworker. A doll knitting kit will have every color you need in the right quantities, along with eyes or other hard-to-find supplies. Knitting kits are also perfect for travel since they contain everything you need in a compact package.

Why are knitting kits the perfect place to start?

If you’ve never knitted before, a beginner’s knitting kit is the perfect place to start. The kit will include everything you need, including instructions, the right needles, the right yarn and material for a simple knitting project. Focus on the essentials first, such as learning to knit and purl. You’ll have plenty of time later to learn about straight versus circular needles, the difference between worsted and fingering yarn and other knitting mysteries.

Are knitting kits good for amigurumi?

It’s fun to knit Japanese style amigurumi. It’s less fun hunting down all the supplies. Choosing something like an amigurumi cactus knit kit will let you spend more time knitting and less time shopping. Besides, do you really want space-hogging bags of fiberfill invading your yarn stash?

Do doll knitting kits have an advantage?

The same is true for doll knitting kits, especially those with special accessories. When you work with a kit, you don’t have to worry about how you’re going to find miniature ski poles, parasol frames, or tiny golf shoes because they come in the doll knitting kit along with yarn and instructions.

Why are knitting kits a vintage knitter’s dream?

If you like knitting vintage patterns, you’ll love vintage knitting kits because they come with exactly the yarn you need. You won’t have to guess at contemporary substitutes for discontinued yarn.

There was a time when almost every baby yarn had a thin, shiny nylon “sparkle” thread wound around the yarn. Now, it’s all but impossible to find except in vintage baby blanket knitting kits sold online or at garage sales.

Are knitting kits good on vacation?

Yes, a knitting kit is perfect to take on vacation. As long as you have the right needles, you don’t have to worry about other supplies, which will be in your compactly packed kit. Next time you go away, you can make a knitting kit part of your travel plans.