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Live Edge Woods: Enjoy Nature in the Raw

The rich textures and colors of inexpensive live edge wood for sale on eBay means that your choices are vast. You may shuttle back and forth from curly koa wood to driftwood and from live edge wood slabs with resin-filled cracks to those that are raw from nature. Here are a few distinctions to keep in mind when you wish to select the right natural wood for your use.

Basic wood types

This is the first distinction because your choices range from well-known hardwoods such as maple and walnut to more obscure ones that include koa and birch. Trees with minimal processing may be sliced into slabs enough to display amazing woody structures in which your mind's eye pictures artistic designs, and that is all it takes to make you choose them for use as is or as a project. Other options include milled live edge lumber showing interesting shapes in common woods such as Ponderosa pine, which present a more finished appearance.

Types of wood figures that show up in live edge slabs
  • Elegant spalted ambrosia maple presents a highly colored piece of wood because the fungus causing the spalting provides an orange or yellow tone to the piece.
  • A blister offers a bulge in live edge wood that is often smoothed with clear resin filling that allows it to still show its underlying attractive shape and color.
  • Bird's eye is classic maple hardwood that is stippled with small "eyes" to delight the aesthetic of a wood fancier.
  • Fiddleback appears in walnut wood because its tight curls resemble the designs on the backs of crafted violins.
Are rough-outs in all kinds of wood?

Rough-outs have part of the work done for you if you've selected a wood type, wood figure, and the general shape of your project. A hardwood mahogany wooden spoon may be partially milled to its shape, which is wise if you have no milling machine and desire to carve and polish the piece into your favorite finished look. Soft woods such as pine may also provide the perfect rough-out.

What sorts of dowels work well in live edge wood slabs?

Birch and maple dowels provide the firmness and dryness required for securing splits in live edge wood slabs. The 2 3/4-inch lengths, which are most often used, are inspected for knots, cracks, and crooked grain by eBay vendors. The dowels have already been chamfered and fluted for their ultimate use.