Mesinhas de Cabeceira


Nightstands provide a practical place to put essential items next to your bed at night, like lamps, reading glasses, books, remote controls, water bottles, supplements, and more. They serve as decorative pieces to polish off room décor, and they are available in a variety of colors, styles, and finishes. A blend of storage and style, nightstands are furniture accents with functionality.

How do you choose a bedroom nightstand?

There are no hard and fast rules for choosing a table. Keeping it generally the same height as your mattress will help it to balance the space. Use your headboard as a guide; if you have a substantial, chunky headboard, you might opt for a bedroom nightstand with the same lines and style. If the top of your bed is oversized, you can get away with taller tables no more than halfway to the top. Conversely, if your bed frame is low, you may want to keep your stands as low as the base. Width, depth, and finish are completely up to personal preference, and usually have more to do with the amount of things you put on your table than anything else. Err on the side of too big rather than too small so that your bed doesn’t end up dwarfing your bedroom nightstand or bedside table and so that you don't run out of room.

How do you ensure that a nightstand will fit?

Measuring a bedside table means keeping all three dimensions in mind. Preferably with a tape measure, line the bottom of the tape measure that starts with zero up with the bottom of the wall next to your bedside. Estimate how tall you would like your stand to be, and note the corresponding number on the tape measure. Do the same with width, ensuring that there is enough space between bed and wall for your Bedside table. Lastly, measure out from the wall parallel to the floor to see how deep your stand would be. Ensure that you have enough room to comfortably climb into bed considering table depth. Measuring can also be accomplished with a yardstick if a tape measure is not an option.

What are some nightstand furniture storage solutions?

Putting a skirt or tablecloth on a bedside espresso nightstand can hide drawers or shelf storage if you would rather keep it out of sight or pair the stand finish with fabric. Storing a power strip in a nightstand drawer and running the power cord out the back can be an organized way to charge tech devices in your stand and increase storage.