Postal Stamp Publications & Supplies

What Are Some Useful Publications for Stamp Collectors?

There are a number of useful guide books, catalogs, newspapers, and magazines for stamp collectors. Popular books include "Guide to Stamp Collecting" by Janet Klug and "Encyclopedia of U.S. Stamps and Stamp Collecting" edited by Rodney A. Juell and Steven J. Rod. Top catalog titles include the Scott catalog and the Stanley Gibbons catalog. Magazine and newspaper publications for stamp collectors include American Philatelist, U.S. Stamp News, Mekeel's & Stamps magazine, and Linn's Stamp News.

How Can Collectors Use Stamp Catalogs?

Collectors use stamp catalogs primarily to identify stamps. For example, the Scott catalog list stamps by country and time period. Listings include relevant information, such as printing dates, design varieties, illustration numbers, and method of printing. Catalogs typically include price guidelines, which can help collectors estimate the approximate value of specific stamps.

Which Stamp Collecting Supplies Should a Beginner Have?

Useful stamp collecting supplies for beginners include a magnifying glass, stamp tongs, stamp album, and stamp mounts. A magnifying glass helps you to identify small markings and distinguish between similar stamps. Stamp tongs pick up stamps without bare hands touching them, which helps preserve their condition. Albums and stock books give collectors a place to store their stamps. A variety of different books and albums work well, but choose only those with acid-free paper and non-sticky pages. Stamp mounts and hinges allow collectors to add stamps to albums without damaging the delicate collectibles.