Red LED Specialty Brake and Tail Car Lighting

Red LED Speciality Brake and Tail Car Lighting

When you are driving, you have more control over the road ahead of you and very little over what happens from the rear. This is why LED tail lights are very important for your car. Being in front of another driver poses many safety challenges. Tail lights help to signal your actions to the drivers in the rear. LED tail lights outperform their incandescent counterparts in brake lighting systems.

What is a tail light?

All the lights at the back of the car are rear signal lights or tail lights. The brake lights, reverse lights, and turn signals make up the rear signal lights. Brake lights use a red-color bulb. Turn signals use an amber-colored bulb. Reverse lights use a white-colored bulb.

How do the LED tail lights work?

The LED tail lights have three main functions.

  • Brake lights light up every time you press the brakes on your car. They usually caution the driver behind that you are slowing down and that they should do the same to avoid a collision.
  • Amber-color turn signals blink in the direction of your turn. When you want to turn right, you switch on the right turn signal. When you car stalls in the middle of the road, you should turn on both signals. This warn's other motorists that you are not moving and they risk ramming into you. People call them hazard lights for this reason.
  • Every time you put the car on reverse gear, the reverse bulb lights up to warn other motorists that you are backing up.

Why should I use LED lamps for my tail lights?

  • Incandescent bulbs emit light at shorter distances and much smaller angles. LEDs have a higher focal point output. They also distribute the lighting evenly through the lens. This makes them highly effective brake lights. With incandescent lamps, the brake light moves towards the bottom of the car while it should aim further out to the cars following behind.
  • LED lights are brighter and better-looking than the old halogen lamps. Incandescent lamps have a high burn rate because of the excessive heat that they generate. This also makes the lamps less effective as tail lights because they take longer to light up.

How do I choose an LED bulb for my tail lights?

Make sure that it is compatible. The bulbs used for LED tail lights will not fit in every car. You will experience compatibility problems in some cars especially high-end brands like the Benz, BMW, and Cadillac. The 3rd brake light on some trucks like the Ford, Jeep, GMC, and the Chevy has a high chance of universal fit across the brands.