Sansui CRT TVs


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Sansui CRT TVs Attract Modern Users for Many Reasons

Sansui is a Japanese electronics company founded in 1947 that builds audio equipment and television sets. Its CRT TVs, or cathode ray tube televisions, still offer people many uses despite the rise of flat-screen technology. Gamers and people with VHS collections use these units made by Sansui because of their compatibility with old computer games and easy set up with cable and satellite television boxes and old VHS players.

How does CRT TV reduce lag for video gamers?

Competitive gamers concerned about lag, which is the time delay between pushing a controller button and seeing the result on screen, have found a solution in CRT displays. The CRT technology does not have any input lag, which means that gaming actions display as soon as possible. With many of these CRT units still available, some gamers have adopted them as their gaming screens because they remove the frustrations associated with lag when playing against other people.

What screen sizes are available?

You will encounter Sansui CRT models in screen sizes like 9 inches, 13 inches, 19 inches, 20 inches, or 27 inches. These sizes could be appropriate if you want to fit a TV into a small space in a kitchen, camper, or children's play room. Older entertainment centers were also made for CRT TVs in these sizes.

Are these televisions appropriate for vintage video games?

With a CRT TV, your old games will display the way that they were meant to. Games made for platforms like ColecoVision, Atari, or Nintendo 64 do not translate very well on new flat panel displays because they came out when CRT was the norm. A Sansui TV will not alter the appearance of vintage games running with the composite video output. You can expect your CRT TV to have interfaces for:

  • Component
  • Composite
  • S-Video
Did Sansui build CRT units that included VCRs?

Yes, the company manufactured multiple CRT models that combined the TV with a VCR. Even a model without a built-in VCR will still be ready to hook up to a VCR so that you can continue to watch your collection of VHS tapes. Many classic programs were only recorded on tape, which means that their 4:3 image ratio will be perfectly accommodated by a CRT TV. Some examples of Sansui models that include VCRs are:

  • 9-inch TV VCR Combination Combo Unit Model COM0961B
  • 9-inch Combination Television VHS Unit for Home or Car Model COM0960
  • 13-inch TV VCR Combination Unit Model COM3101A
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